
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Assistive Technology

On a positive note, today was Todd’s IEP. The main purpose of today’s IEP was to determine whether he still needs services. I was definitely not worried about that, because it’s very clear he does.

He has exceeded all goals set this school year. Even though he is still non-verbal, he has improved as far as completing tasks, such as puzzles and sorting shapes. I have noticed at home he has become more communicative in his own way: bringing me a bottle of juice and a cup when he’s hungry, bringing me a diaper when he wants to be changed, etc. This morning after I changed him, he saw that my husband was in the laundry room and brought his dirty pajamas to his dad. Little things mean a lot!

At the IEP, we were told he finally was approved for assistive technology. The training will start the first day of summer school and after a few weeks, he will be allowed to bring the equipment home. Other parents I have spoken to have raved about how much the technology improved their child’s communication. This is used in conjunction with his picture schedule, task book and iPad. I am looking forward to having my own little Steven Hawking!


Anonymous said...

It all sounds positive. Todd's growth will probaby not be seen in big leaps (like in most of us) but the small gradual steps. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

That's great, I'm so glad they approved the continuing assistance.