
Monday, January 21, 2013

Story Trek

While watching an episode of “Turning Point,” I saw a commercial for “Story Trek” and DVR-ed an episode. The premise of the show is:  A random town in the United States is chosen (think pin the tail on the donkey).  The crew goes to that town and a spot on the town map is blindly pinned.  The crew then goes to this particular block/street and knocks on doors, approaches people getting out of their cars, to ask if they’d like to be interviewed.  Some people are naturally weirded out by this, but some agree to be interviewed.  They are asked basic questions about their lives – the story of how the person or their family came to live in the area, childhood stories, family stories, stories of family relationships, jobs, tragedies.  There are surprises – in one segment, a seemingly nice old lady is interviewed, in the next her daughter is interviewed and talks about how her mother abused her.  The point of the show is that everyone has a story to tell.  Everyone has something fascinating, special and/or unique about them.  Every life matters for one reason or another and every person in your life has an impact, big or small, good or bad.  I am sorry if that is corny, but I found it to be sweet in its simplicity. J

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